

ATARSEAL SYSTEM is a containment system provided through a vertical barrier formed by continuous HDPE high density polyethylene screens joined together by means of profiles. Both sides of the screen are filled with a mixture of bentonite, bentonite-cement or bentonite-soil-cement ensuring the containment between the confined area and the rest of the perimeter.

Atarfil | Fabricante de Geomembranas
Resistance to oxidation
Atarfil | Fabricante de Geomembranas
Chemical resistance
Atarfil | Fabricante de Geomembranas
Calendering technology
Atarfil | Fabricante de Geomembranas
High mechanical strength
Atarfil | Fabricante de Geomembranas
High temperature resistance

Finishing options


Stress Cracking Resistance (SCR)> 3,000hx6 GM13
HP OIT - Oxidation Induction Time at high pressure
STD OIT - Standard Oxidation Induction Time
500 min
120 min
+25% GM13
+20% GM13
UV Resistance: % HP OIT Retained75%+50% GM13


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