
Discover our certifications.

As a testament to our commitment to quality, environment, sustainability and efficiency, we have obtained several internationally recognized certifications. These certifications demonstrate our commitment to the highest standards in the industry and ensure that our customers have confidence in our products and services.

Quality, environment and energy policy

Integrated Environmental, Quality and Energy Management Manual

GIS Certifications

ISO 9001 – Quality

We have implemented and maintained a Quality Management System in accordance with the rigorous standards of ISO 9001. This ensures that all our processes are designed to deliver consistently high quality products and services, resulting in the ongoing satisfaction of our customers.

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ISO 14001 – Environment

At Atarfil, we recognize our responsibility to the environment. The ISO 14001 certification reflects our commitment to sustainable environmental management and demonstrates our continuous effort to reduce our environmental impact through responsible business practices.

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ISO 50001 Spain Energy

Energy efficiency is a fundamental pillar of our operations. ISO 50001 certification validates our focus on efficient energy management, resulting in the optimization of our resources and cost reduction, while contributing to environmental conservation.

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Product Certifications

In addition to our achievements in systems management, at ATARFIL we also pride ourselves on the quality of our products. Our product certifications are a testament to the innovation, safety and reliability we offer our customers.

CE Marking: For products sold in the European Economic Area (EEA). They comply with the safety, health and environmental requirements established by the European Union. The CE marking is an indicator that the product complies with European standards and can circulate freely within the EEA.

Dibt Certification: The German Institute for Building Technology is a German organization that evaluates and certifies our products to ensure their safety and compliance with German and European Union building regulations.

ASQUAL certification: As qual certification refers to an evaluation and accreditation process based in France. which evaluates and verifies the quality of our products, processes and services in compliance with specific standards and regulations. Guarantees that ATARFIL meets the established quality requirements.

Laboratory certifications

In our state-of-the-art laboratories, we conduct extensive testing and analysis to ensure that our products meet the highest standards. Laboratory certifications are a testament to our ability to control our products, conduct cutting-edge research and development.

Our three laboratories (Spain, Dubai and USA) are certified by the GEOSYNTHETIC INSTITUTE. This certification (GAI LAP CERTIFICATION) is an endorsement of the quality and accuracy of the testing and analysis processes performed in ATARFIL’s laboratories.

At ATARFIL, we remain committed to continuous improvement and the constant search for excellence in everything we do. Our system and product certifications are proof of our commitment to quality, sustainability and customer satisfaction. We are proud to offer products and services that meet the highest industry standards and contribute to our customers’ success.