Legal Notice

The present Legal Notice regulates the access and use of the different contents and information included or accessible through the web site (hereinafter, the web site), owned by ATARFIL, S.L. (hereinafter, ATARFIL). By the mere use of the web site you acquire the condition of user. The use of the web site and of any of the services of the same one means your acceptance as user, without reservations of any class, of all and each one of the present general conditions as well as to the particular conditions that, in its case, govern.

Registered Office: Ctra. de Córdoba, Km 429. 18230 Atarfe – Granada
CIF: B-18382879
Registration Data: Registered in the Granada Mercantile Registry Nº4, Volume 676, Folio 208, Page GR-8741
Contact Telephone: 902 439 200

General terms and conditions of access and use of the website

User obligations

1. The user is obliged, in general, to use the web site as well as the contents, services and information linked to it diligently, in accordance with the law, morality, public order and the provisions of this Legal Notice, and must also refrain from using them in any way that could prevent the normal operation and enjoyment by the users of the web site of the contents of the same, or that could damage or cause damage to the property and rights of ATARFIL, its suppliers, users or, in general, any third party. More in particular, but without this enumeration limiting the general scope of the obligation provided in the previous paragraph, the user is obliged in the use of the web site and the services linked to it, to:

a) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the web site or through any of the services linked to it any computer program, data, virus, code or any other electronic instrument or device that may cause damage to the web site, to any of the services linked to it or to any equipment, systems or networks of ATARFIL, of any user, of its suppliers or in general of any third party, or that in any other way may cause any type of alteration or prevent the normal operation of the same.

b) Not to use false identities, nor impersonate the identity of others in the use of the website or any of the services linked to it, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.

c) Not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage data, information, programs or electronic documents belonging to ATARFIL, its suppliers or third parties.

d) Not to use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the website to send advertising, send messages for commercial purposes, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.

Intellectual and industrial property

2. The user acknowledges that all elements of the website, the information and materials contained therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents and the computer programs used in connection therewith are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of ATARFIL itself or of third parties.

Unless authorized by ATARFIL or, as the case may be, by the third party owners of the corresponding rights, or unless it is legally permitted, the user may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent, lend, make available or allow access to the public through any form of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph.

4. The user shall use the materials, elements and information accessed through the use of the website only for their own needs, agreeing not to make any direct or indirect commercial exploitation of the services or the materials, elements and information obtained through them.

5. The user shall refrain from deleting the signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial or any other) of ATARFIL or third parties that appear on the website and in the contents offered through it.

6. Likewise, the user shall refrain from evading or manipulating any technical devices established by ATARFIL or by third parties, whether on the web site, in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through the same, for the protection of their rights.


7. ATARFIL will facilitate the use of personal passwords with respect to certain services provided through the web site. The user will have to maintain under his exclusive responsibility the passwords in the strictest and absolute confidentiality, assuming, therefore, all damages or consequences of any type derived from the breach or revelation of the secret. For security reasons, the password for telematic access to the services linked to the website may be modified by the user.

Exclusion of warranties

8. The user consents that ATARFIL may send him/her commercial communications referring to its products or services either by e-mail, by post or by any other means, being able to request at any time the cessation of the sending of such communications. For this purpose, as well as to make any other type of consultation or comment, the user may contact ATARFIL by postal mail to ATARFIL, Ctra. de Córdoba, Km. 429 – Atarfe – Granada or by sending an e-mail to


9. ATARFIL undertakes to make every effort to ensure the availability and continuity of the web site and the services linked to it. However, ATARFIL cannot guarantee that the web site and the services linked to it will work correctly at all times, that the user can access and use them in a fast, uninterrupted and error-free manner. Likewise, ATARFIL does not grant any guarantee regarding the suitability and content of the website or any of the services linked to it for the satisfaction of the user’s specific needs.

10. ATARFIL will act diligently according to the general uses accepted in the sector to avoid the presence in the web site or in any of the services linked to it of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause alterations in the user’s computer system, in its electronic documents or in its files, but it cannot guarantee the absence of such elements, not being responsible for the damages that this could cause.

11. ATARFIL does not control, nor does it make its own, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, quality, truthfulness, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided or rendered by third parties through the web site. Likewise, it does not control and does not guarantee the absence of virus or other harmful elements in the contents or services provided or rendered by third parties through the web site.

12. ATARFIL does not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy or veracity of the contents and services available in sites belonging to or managed by third parties to which the user can access through technical linking devices (links) from the web site. ATARFIL does not control the content of such web sites nor does it offer or market the products and services available in the web sites thus linked, nor does it assume any responsibility for them.


Without prejudice to the liability for damages that may arise, ATARFIL may, immediately and without prior notice, resolve and terminate its relationship with the user, interrupting his access to the website or its corresponding services, if it detects a use of the same or of any of the services linked to the same contrary to the general or particular conditions that may be applicable.