
Heap Leach Pads

Specifically chosen for this application due to their high resistance to chemical degradation, ensuring effective containment of leaching solutions.

Heaps or leaching yards are structures used to extract valuable metals from ores through a dissolution process. These heaps consist of the controlled accumulation of crushed ore in layers, which is then sprayed with a chemical solution to dissolve the metals and create a mineral-rich solution (pregnant solution). This solution is collected and processed to obtain the desired metals.

Geomembranes act as safe containment barriers preventing leach solutions and chemicals used in the process from leaching into the soil and groundwater, preventing environmental contamination. In addition, geomembranes allow precise control of leachate, ensuring that chemical solutions remain in the leach pad, improving process efficiency and reducing the risk of loss of valuable resources.

Atarfil geomembranes are specifically chosen for this application due to their high resistance to chemical degradation, ensuring effective containment of leach solutions. By minimizing the environmental impact of mining operations, geomembranes support responsible mining practices and sustainable resource extraction.

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